Scientific Magnetics are world leaders designing and manufacturing superconducting vector rotate magnets for a wide range of scientific experiments.
Our magnets are designed for WET and DRY operation and can be supplied as standalone units or fully integrated cryogenic systems.
- Vertical and horizontal field direction
- Optical access parallel and perpendicular to field if required
- 2-axis orthoganal coils for vector rotation
- Diode protection with the option for persistent mode switch
- Fast sweep to field
- High homogeneity and stability
- Integrated HTS current leads for maximum efficiency
- Magnet designs for UHV compatible environments
Below are just a few examples of previously manufactured systems, supplied either as standalone magnets or fully integrated WET and DRY systems.
4T/2T/2T Cryogen-free Vector Rotate System
- 4T Vertical field(X) and 2T Horizontal Field(X/Y)
- Cryogen free conduction-cooled
- X/Y/Z Room temperature beam access
- Low vibration cooling interface
- Integrated HTS current leads
0.4T/0.4T/0.4T Cryogen-free Vector Rotate System
- 0.4 Tesla Field in X/Y/Z direction
- Cold Access (Y direction): 76mm
- 265mm dia x 220mm long
- Operating current for 0.4 Tesla: ~3 Amps on each axis
- High homogeneity and low remnant field magnet
7T/2T Lhe Cooled Vector Rotate System
- 7 T, 2 T Two axis superconducting magnet
- Liquid nitrogen shielded helium cryostat (UHV)
- Fast ramping magnetic field of 7 T in X direction at up to 2 T/min
- Single axis operation
- 1.5K – 370K Variable Temperature Insert (VTI) with remote temperature control
- 1K pot with automatic needle valve operation
- Sample holder loading finger isolated to >2GΩ at 250V
- 50mm vertical motion of sample using stepper motor control
- 360° rotational motion of sample using stepper motor control